covid-19 clinic guidelines
We have taken very careful steps to ensure the safety of our clients and staff. Please read the following information before attending your appointment
Before the appointment
If you come into contact with anyone who has Covid-19, then you must call and postpone your appointment until your 14 day self-isolation has finished.
24 hours prior to your appointment you will be required to complete a pre-assessment with myself via telephone. This is compulsory and your face-to- face appointment will not proceed without this
If you have any other the following symptoms, then you must call and postpone your appointment.
Fever or High Temperature.
Continuous Cough.
Loss or Change in Taste/Smell
Due to a thorough cleaning schedule, 30 minutes after every appointment is allocated to cleaning. Please note that disposable couch roll, pillow cases and PPE will be used per client.
At the appointment
Please arrive no more than 5 mins before your scheduled appointment. We no longer can facilitate waiting on the shop floor and waiting areas.
Before entry to the clinic your temperature will be taken using a non-contact thermometer. If you have a temperature you will be asked to return home to self-isolate.
Clients must also sanitise their hands before entry.
What will I be wearing? I will be wearing the following to protect you and I. I will be wearing a face mask, face shield, apron and gloves. The face shield will be sanitised between each appointment. Face masks, aprons and gloves will be disposed of and replaced with fresh/sterile PPE.
After the appointment
You will be asked to sanitise your hands with hand sanitiser provided or using your own.
Non- contactless payments only. CARD PAYMENTS or bank transfer (Please ensure this is paid within 24 hours)​
If you develop any symptoms or contract Covid-19. Please contact me as soon as possible.